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What is the most popular activity at The Marshalls School of Music? Our bands! Bands are a cheaper option to one on one music lessons and are a great way to socialise with other musicians. Throughout the year each band has their own individual gigs with songs themed for each one. Towards the end of the year everyone (except Little Rock) get to take part in our sold out evening - BATTLE OF THE BANDS! 

We have a band for all age groups so have a look and choose the right one for you! 


Little Rock (age 4-6)


Little Rock is the missing link to engaging children, from age 4-6, in learning and (most importantly!) performing music. In Little Rock, each member of the group has the opportunity to learn all the instruments available before specialising in  the instrument most suited to them. At the end of each module students will be performing in their very own gig, as a rock band, on stage! 


 In traditional music lessons, teachers are apprehensive and commonly unsuccessful in delivering music to younger age groups.  In Little Rock we focus on this particular age group's strengths, which are their mechanical skills and build on these.  Once these skills are strengthened and confidence building in performance is encouraged, our students' development and ability in music develops at a much faster pace than their non musical peers.


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Junior Rock (age 6-7)

Junior Rock is our progression program that follows straight on from Little Rock. Here students specialise in their chosen instruments whilst still having the fantastic opportunities of performing as is in Little Rock. 


Junior Rock is the program that bridges the gap between young music teaching techniques and learning how to be part of a ‘grown up’ band. Students learn band etiquette, instrument set up, performance, specialising in their chosen instrument and (ofcourse) performance.



Taster Session


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Big Rock (age 7-12)


Big Rock focuses on ages 7-11 where the development of mechanical skills is far more advanced than Little Rock aged students. Big Rock's aim is to develop performance and confidence skills through learning an instrument of their choice (usually Rockstars would own their own instruments). The Rockstars will choose their own songs as a group and will work with tutors to learn and perform these songs on stage. 


In addition both students and parents/carers will gain access to our private parents whatsapp group where we upload supportive materials such as PDF’s and videos relevant to students' individual bands. Parents/Carers will also be able to ask our highly trained tutors for help or advice with anything that they might find challenging in-between sessions.


Taster Session


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Teen Rock (age 12-17)

The band is for teens of any age that are either beginning their Rock journey or have been taking lessons for a while and want to focus on developing their band/performance skills. Each student is expected to own their own instrument and have definite ideas on what kind of band they’d want to be part of. Students are not expected to bring drums or amps, mics ets to sessions as we can provide everything in the session.  Students work with our tutors to create a band setlist, work on music specific to their instrument and learn the songs as a group. Focus is then centred around stage performance and creating a gig to perform in front of friends and family at The Marshalls on our live stage. Not forgetting creating a band name and image! 


In addition you will gain access to your own whatsapp folder, which will contain supportive materials such as PDF’s and videos relevant to students individual bands. Students and parents will also be able to ask our highly trained tutors for help or advice with anything that they might find challenging in-between sessions.



Taster Session


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Adult Rock (age 18+)


This is for all of you that are either seasoned musicians, haven’t picked an instrument up for years or are a bedroom Rockstars. Adults only group can lead to anywhere you want to go. The band focuses works with 2 specialist tutors who have extensive musical and performance experience. You get to choose your own band style, music direction and songs. You will learn and practice your setlist as a band with support and direction from your tutors. They will also be on hand to mentor and encourage you as you go. It’s often the hardest decision to make getting back in to music or performing as an adult, but here at Adult Rock you’ll be with like minded, supportive people who are here to have an amazing time and blow off the steam of todays stresses and worries that we all face as adults.


In addition you will gain access to your own whatsapp folder, which will contain supportive materials such as PDF’s and videos relevant to your course. You will also be able to ask our highly trained tutors for help or advice with anything that you might find challenging in-between sessions.


Taster Session


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Adult Upscaled Choir (age 18+)

Our Upscaled adult choir is a meeting place for people of all ages and ability to come together and sing. So many choirs today are formal and expect members to put in hours of practice away from sessions, often sucking out ‘the fun’. At The Marshalls, we have developed a choir where you will not only progress at an astounding rate both as a singer and as a performer, but you will also have a lighthearted and fun evening with like minded people. 


All of our songs in our choir are chosen by our choir leader Will, who has worked with many choirs over the past 15 years and are anything but traditional. Sticking with our ‘Marshalls ethos’ the songs that you will learn are songs that you will know and love! There’s no room for out dated, uninspiring music in our choir!



One Month Taster Session


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